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Steel Harbinger Review

Steel Harbinger is both a great game to look at and a great game to play.

Steel Harbinger – PS1 (1996)

From developer Mindscape. A bizarre isometric 3D shooter, this is the kinda game I live to find, weird and oddly fun but absolutely forgotten by time. This apparently got some rave reviews back in the day but I had never heard of it before finding a copy on Saturday. It’s got some gory cutscenes, the sort of edginess that must’ve prompted many older brothers in the ’90s to forbid their younger siblings from playing. The whole aesthetic is dark and goth-y, and I wonder if it influenced Shiny’ Entertainment’s MDK which came out the following year. The adventure continues in the digital realm - play gunstar heroes and join a community of passionate gamers. Immerse yourself in the fast-paced action, unlock power-ups, and forge alliances as you battle your way to victory.

Gaming with GEL – Steel Harbinger (Part 1)

Originally Published on Apr 25, 2013

BEHOLD the might of the FELT HARBINGER as she…wanders aimlessly looking for the yellow card key…GRIPPING EXCITEMENT!!!

Rare Whiskey Friday!

Today we taste and review Ironroot Harbinger Straight Bourbon and Ironroot Esoteric.

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Steel Harbinger (All FMV Cutscenes)

All live-action FMV cutscenes from the video game “Steel Harbinger.”

Console: PlayStation
Year: 1996